Winter (X-Mas & New Year) & March Break Camp
- Location: Mountain St. Louis Moonstone
- 4 hours training daily, 10am – 3pm, 1 hour lunch break
- Winter Camp: Dec 23, 24, 26, 27, 30, 31 and Jan. 2, 3. Any number of days can be registered
- March Break Camp: Mar. 10-13
Winter Break Weekend Group Class
- Saturdays and Sundays, Dec. 21, 22, 28, 29, Jan. 4, 5. . Any number of days can be registered
- rate: $200 / Day / student
- 4-5 days with 5% discount: $760+tax
- 6-7 days are recommended for better improvement, with 10% discount: $1080+tax
- 8+ days are recommended for the best improvement, with 15% discount: $1360+tax
- Subject to Cancellation Policy
Performance Skiing Only On Sundays
- Race Ready Program Or Performance Carving
- 6 years old and up
- Can take the lift chair independently
- Can ski with linked turns on blue
- Jan 12, 19, 26; Feb 2, 9, 16, 23; Mar 2
- 4 hours training, 10am – 3pm, with 1 hour lunch break
- rate: $50 / hour / student. Check the registration form for early bird discount
- Gate training: TBD (Intermediate and above / Race Ready Program)
- Subject to Cancellation Policy
Recreational Skiing On Weekends
- Learn to Ski or Ski Improvement
- Any 2 hours or 4 hours, 10am – 12pm, 1pm- 3pm
- Saturday or Sunday, Jan 11, 12, 18, 19, 25, 26; Feb 1, 2, 8, 9, 15, 16, 22, 23; Mar 1, 2
- rate: $50 / hour / student
- Early bird discount for 4 weeks or more
- Subject to Cancellation Policy
Private Lessons
Coming soon:
- Master Classes