Ski Development Programs

Unique and efficient course design

Skiing is a lifelong learning experience.  It takes dedication and practice to master high level skills.  Fortunately the learning process is full of fun and personal achievements,  and helps kids to grow and build a strong personality.

Our Ski Development Course defines a clear path for every student to master the key skills.  The courses are designed uniquely by our most experienced coaches and instructors who will also be the course instructors.

Four Categories of program:

A student will fit in one of the 4 programs with different goals  and ski level:

  1. Learn To Ski Program (LSP) – For those who just begin to ski
  2. Ski Improvement Program (SIP) – For those who can ski on blue runs but not fully parallel yet
  3. Race Ready Program (RRP) – Prepare younger kids (under 9) to join racing team later. Please Note: We do not provide racing program.
  4. Performance Carving Program (PCP) – For parallel skiers who want to further improve skills

In each program, we will group students with similar age and levels.  The maximum instructor to students ratio will be 1:4 for LSP, SIP, or RRP; 1:5 for PCP kids; and 1:8 for PCP adults. We also regroup during the program to accommodate different student progress.
